Samsung is celebrating the first anniversary of its Milk Internet
radio service by a web browser client. You’ll still need a Samsung
device to use the Milk app on a smartphone, tablet, or television.
The artist bios are displayed over versions of their album art.
You can narrow the focus of each station to bring it closer to your
liking. The broader the category, the more splinters you can choose
from. I don’t consider myself a country music fan, but I was able to
find some great music by tuning into the Americana channel of that
genre. I had 13 other variations to choose from, including Bluegrass,
Ladies of Country, and Red Dirt Road. Having said that, Spotify’s web
client isn’t as pretty or as easy to use as Samsung's, but its Folk
& Americana channel offered up nearly 60 variations on that theme.
You can further fine tune a station by using sliders to adjust the
mix of popular, new, and favorite tracks the station plays. Slacker—the
service that "powers" Milk—has the same feature, with the added options
of hearing from the station’s hosts as well as news and sports updates.
Milk will also display the names of other artists it considers to be
similar to the one you’re listening to at the time, but the names are
just displayed—they’re not linked and you can’t even select them to cut
and copy into a browser.
You can fine tune a radio station by configuring it to play more
music that's popular and new in your genre, as well as tracks you've
identified as favorites.
I’m not an LP aficionado—I’m too addicted to the convenience of
digital music—but I do miss those big ol’ album covers. So I like the
fact that Milk uses almost the entire display to show album art, with
its user-interface elements overlaid on top but around the perimeter so
they don’t obscure the image.
When you call up other elements such as the artist’s biography, you
see other art from the album. Unlike most other streaming services, Milk
doesn’t have much in the way of connections to your social networks.
You can’t post the song you’re listening to on your Facebook page or
Twitter feed, for instance.
The quality of the music, on the other hand, leaves something to be
desired as it streams at just 128Kbps. Google Play Music, Rdio, Spotify,
and some other services stream at 320Kbps.
Milk is free to use and is free of advertisements, but you’re limited
to skipping six songs. Samsung also offers a paid version of Milk ($4
per month) that lets you skip an unlimited number of songs.
Editor's note: This story was updated to confirm that Milk Premium
will be available to all subscribers, whether you own a Samsung device
or not.
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